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The Dark Knight Rises Rated as PG-13 in the US

It seems the Batman movie of Christoper Nolan was given a rating which most kids over 12 can watch it alone. The US censors' decided to make it a PG-13, an equivalent to 12A in the UK.

In this case, the movie would most likely have the bigger chance to be a box-office hit. The Dark Knight Rises, the third and final movie in the Batman trilogy, will be opening in UK on July 20, 2012.

It is again Christian Bale for the role of Batman, along with Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Gary Oldman and Michael Caine also have their roles, and Tom Hardy being the central villain, Bane.

It's only months until we get to see the last movie, the real end to the Batman series. Well, speaking of Christopher Nolan, we know that his every movie is spectacular. I have high hopes on his direction. The Dark Knight Rises is one to be worth waiting for.


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